Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Hukum Indonesia tidak ada hubungannya dengan agama


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SYDNEY -- Partai politik Kristen radikal di Ausralia mempertanyakan apakah Bali Nine anggota Andrew Chan dan Myuran Sukumaran akan terbunuh jika mereka telah masuk Islam. Rise Up Australia Party mengatakan hal tersebut sebagai ungkapan kemarahannya atas dieksekusinya duo Bali Nine, Rabu (29/4).

"Dalam kasus Myuran Sukumaran, Andrew Chan dan enam orang lainnya yang dieksekusi kemarin, kami menyebutnya ketidakadilan. Eksekusi mati telah dimotivasi oleh ideologi Islam," tulis pernyataan Rise Up Australia, Sabtu (2/5) dilansir Queensland Times.

Partai Rise Up Australia merupakan kelompok politik yang dipimpin oleh pendeta Pantekosta, Daniel Nalliah dan terkenal dengan oposisinya terhadap Islam di Australia.

Nalliah membandingkan antara Bali Nine dengan orang-orang di belakang pemboman Bali. "Salah satu dalang dan penasihat spiritual di balik pemboman Bali tahun 2002, Abu Bakar Bashir, dibebaskan setelah tiga sampai empat tahun penjara," lanjut pernyataan tersebut.

"Aku ingin tahu apakah jika Myuran Sukumaran dan Andrew Chan masuk Islam akan tetap dibunuh, karena Indonesia adalah negara Islam terbesar di dunia," sambungnya.

"Saya telah ke Indonesia beberapa kali dan harus menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar orang Indonesia yang cinta damai dan orang-orang sangat ramah. Jadi, eksekusi mati ini bukan refleksi dari masyarakat Indonesia, tetapi dari sistem peradilan yang korup di Indonesia," ujarnya.

Diwarnai dengan dendam kebencian terhadap agama islam. Itulah motif statemen diatas. Zainal Abidin yang kemarin ikut dieksekusi juga islam kan? Trio bom Bali dihukum mati, mereka semua orang islam. Ini pendeta kok tidak melihat dan ingat ke peristiwa tersebut?

One of prisoners death executed, with Myuran sukumaran and Andrew Chan, was Zainal Abidin that owned 53 kg drugs.. Please Australian publics must understand it isn't related with religion. It related to jusctice for all...

Kedunguan mereka begitu tampak jelas melalui pertanyaan yang tak cerdas dan semata-mata didasari oleh kebencian dan ketidaktahuan mereka tentang Islam, hukum di Indonesia sama sekali tak memandang kulit, ras dan agama.

Pertanyaan model begitu lebih pantas dialamatkan pada mereka sendiri: "apakah jika kedua terpidana mati itu beragama Islam, pemerintahan dan masyarakat Australia akan peduli pada nasib mereka?", tanpa dijawab pun kami sudah bisa menebaknya: "Tidak!".

Hukum Indonesia tidak ada hubungannya dengan agama.

When a Country is Weak, it Will be Bullied

If you follow the news of the execution of The Bali 9, I’m sure as an Asian, no matter which country you are from, you can see with both eyes open, how the Westerners are just a bunch of bullies.

This is directed at Australians, French, and Brazilians, who stay in Asian countries. If you DO NOT RESPECT the local laws, and think that you can do as you wish, then please don’t come at all. We DO NOT welcome you.

We Singaporeans, Indonesians or Malaysians prefer other tourists than your kind. Please bring your poison somewhere else.

Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia’s laws are very clear, crystal clear. We will HANG drug traffickers. What’s so difficult to understand here?

Now your citizens have been caught red-handed, but you arrogant big countries still want to try to bully developing country like Indonesia to make them submit to your demands.

USA hangs and kills thousands of drug traffickers, why don’t you make noise there? USA almost destroyed Iraq, a country that never posed threats to anybody, why didn’t you make noise there?

These people bring poisons and destroy our youths, and you ask us to forgive them? They knew the risk, they took it, what else is there to say?

Brazil, a corrupt country that is losing its fight with the drug cartels, a country with extremely high crime rates in their cities, tries to teach other countries how to punish their own citizen’s crimes…. what a joke!

Australia, another country that is losing the drug war. Australia’s teen drug abuse is among the highest in the developed countries, Google it and see for yourself. With crime gangs and drug lords infesting their cities and universities, why is the Government now trying to defend the Drug Lord’s life. What message are you sending to your youths? That drug use is nothing illegal, as even your prime minister is defending it? What a joke!

France and the rest of Europe, what else is there to say? Ever visited Amsterdam? Drug capital of the world. Junkies everywhere. Unemployed youths snorting cannabis in coffee shops… what a joke!

So to all Australians, please don’t come to Bali, please, we beg you. We really DO NOT WANT your kind there. Please don’t come to Singapore, we don’t want you here. Please go to countries where you can snort cocaine freely like Brazil or Europe.

I urge Asian countries especially Thailand and The Philippines, to shore up your Asian Pride. Don’t let these westerners invade your country culturally. When I visited most of Thai and Philippine beaches and cities, what I saw were not tourist, but gangs of Europeans and Eastern Europeans forging ties selling things from drugs to prostitution. Slowly but sure, it kills the host country eventually.

To all westerners, if your country is crumbling and failing, don’t drag us down with you.

Thank You

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